You fellow seekers are totally going to relate to today's post! I am always in some sort of analytical state. Either living in the past trying to decipher what I can learn from a supposed mishap. Or forging in the future to weigh out my options in order to choose the best version of myself.
True to form, that's exactly where I found myself this morning, ruminating on my "faulty" behavior the day before....
However, instead of the normal criticism I lay on thick, I got really irritated at the process and thought "I am just human. So why do I keep doing this to myself in the name of self-improvement?"
And it hit me. I do this because I very much dislike my human-ness, and how absurd is that? I am human! Why am I fighting something I can do nothing about?
Then another A-ha hit me! That is why I was aggravated and short with someone else yesterday - their human-ness. I was having an outside scene played out to reflect back to me my inside dialogue.
No matter how many times I use my emotions as a compass, it still thrills and excites me every time. Like it is the first time I discovered this process!
You see our feelings are just messengers because our thoughts create our feelings that create our actions. So if we don't approve our of actions, all we need to do is use that feeling as a compass back to our original thought.
As we observe our thought, we can decide if we are still in agreement with it. This is where our power lies - in the choice. Where we get sideways is when we blindly react to an emotion before stopping to see where the emotion came from - what thought created it.
I coach around Emotional Intelligence every day and am still in awe of how powerful and transformational it can be. And the reason I haven't perfected the process? My Human-ness is why! And today, I'm quite happy for it too. After all, why fight what is when we can use our human-ness to grow? Today I garnered a little more compassion for myself and my fellow humans.
Hopefully next time, I'll be a little more kind to us all but if I don't, I know why. My human-ness, and the beauty of being human is that we are given a chance to choose again every second of every day. It's not about perfection folks, it's about the journey. Enjoying every step along the way - the good, bad and the ugly! What human-ness can you say you're proud of today?
Be Brave, Be You - Learn the Power of EQ!
For more information:
Check out these blogs: Healing, Expectations, Self-Care, Resilience, Parenting
True to form, that's exactly where I found myself this morning, ruminating on my "faulty" behavior the day before....
However, instead of the normal criticism I lay on thick, I got really irritated at the process and thought "I am just human. So why do I keep doing this to myself in the name of self-improvement?"
And it hit me. I do this because I very much dislike my human-ness, and how absurd is that? I am human! Why am I fighting something I can do nothing about?
Then another A-ha hit me! That is why I was aggravated and short with someone else yesterday - their human-ness. I was having an outside scene played out to reflect back to me my inside dialogue.
No matter how many times I use my emotions as a compass, it still thrills and excites me every time. Like it is the first time I discovered this process!
You see our feelings are just messengers because our thoughts create our feelings that create our actions. So if we don't approve our of actions, all we need to do is use that feeling as a compass back to our original thought.
As we observe our thought, we can decide if we are still in agreement with it. This is where our power lies - in the choice. Where we get sideways is when we blindly react to an emotion before stopping to see where the emotion came from - what thought created it.
I coach around Emotional Intelligence every day and am still in awe of how powerful and transformational it can be. And the reason I haven't perfected the process? My Human-ness is why! And today, I'm quite happy for it too. After all, why fight what is when we can use our human-ness to grow? Today I garnered a little more compassion for myself and my fellow humans.
Hopefully next time, I'll be a little more kind to us all but if I don't, I know why. My human-ness, and the beauty of being human is that we are given a chance to choose again every second of every day. It's not about perfection folks, it's about the journey. Enjoying every step along the way - the good, bad and the ugly! What human-ness can you say you're proud of today?
Be Brave, Be You - Learn the Power of EQ!
For more information:
Check out these blogs: Healing, Expectations, Self-Care, Resilience, Parenting