What if I were to tell you that miracles are much easier to come by than you think? Well, if you had told me that a few years ago I would have flat out laughed in your face! I saw life as a never ending struggle, one after the other, each seemingly more daunting than the next. I lived like this for decades, until I literally lost my desire to fight. I was tired. I felt broken. I had finally become humbled.
I took a good, hard look at my life choices thus far - all the struggles I was fighting everyday - to decipher how I can go about life differently. After all, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Lord knows the results I was yielding were not what I was striving for!
Even though my struggles were in different types of relationships - family, romantic, friends, professional - they all had one common denominator. ME. Yes, I could give a great argument as to how I'd been wronged by each individual but what I couldn't deny is I was the only one participating in every single scenario.
Initially it sounded depressing, but it was actually liberating! If I was participating then that meant I had a say so in the matter. Maybe not in how the scene played out, but I sure had a choice in how I could perceive that scene.
That is the key factor in miracles - PERCEPTION - and it can be backed up by science too! The Observer Effect states that the act of observing an object can actually change the object. So what does that mean for you and me? It means that by merely choosing to look at something different, we can cause it to actually look different!
Perception is just that - a way of interpreting something. So if we "see" all our interactions as a struggle, our interactions will show up as a struggle. BUT.... what if we "see" our interactions as an opportunity to learn? Then our life experiences begin to show up as happening FOR US and not to us! We are more open to growth and forward progression, versus becoming stuck in a repetitive downward spiral.
This is why understanding the Language of Emotions is so helpful. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to recognize, evaluate and regulate your own emotions, emotions of those around you and in groups of people.
People, places and things we encounter in life are just that - people, places and things. In other words, they are neutral. We are the ones that place emotions and opinions on them. So if we create "the story", we can decide how the story unfolds. If we don't like how we feel, then we have the power to Change the Narrative. And that is what my coaching practice is all about.
What I’ve discovered as a coach is that we can be so immersed in our own personal story line that is it hard to see the bigger picture. And when you have been hurt, rightfully so. You have every right to feel every emotion that you have. It's what you do with those feelings that either keep you stuck or move you towards healing. This is why I am so passionate about coaching, because I teach mindset developmental skills. You will learn the brain science behind the power of your mind by targeting unhealthy thought patterns.
We each have a journey in our life to fulfill and it is as unique as our fingerprints. Now life isn’t without challenges but if you are equipped with the right coping skills, you can create anything you want in your life. You can move past insecurities, unhealthy relationships and even disappointments to live the beautiful, bright life you deserve!
Be Brave, Be You - Learn the Power of EQ!
For more information: https://linktr.ee/bebravebeyou
Check out these blogs: Self-Confidence, Expectations, Perception
I took a good, hard look at my life choices thus far - all the struggles I was fighting everyday - to decipher how I can go about life differently. After all, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. Lord knows the results I was yielding were not what I was striving for!
Even though my struggles were in different types of relationships - family, romantic, friends, professional - they all had one common denominator. ME. Yes, I could give a great argument as to how I'd been wronged by each individual but what I couldn't deny is I was the only one participating in every single scenario.
Initially it sounded depressing, but it was actually liberating! If I was participating then that meant I had a say so in the matter. Maybe not in how the scene played out, but I sure had a choice in how I could perceive that scene.
That is the key factor in miracles - PERCEPTION - and it can be backed up by science too! The Observer Effect states that the act of observing an object can actually change the object. So what does that mean for you and me? It means that by merely choosing to look at something different, we can cause it to actually look different!
Perception is just that - a way of interpreting something. So if we "see" all our interactions as a struggle, our interactions will show up as a struggle. BUT.... what if we "see" our interactions as an opportunity to learn? Then our life experiences begin to show up as happening FOR US and not to us! We are more open to growth and forward progression, versus becoming stuck in a repetitive downward spiral.
This is why understanding the Language of Emotions is so helpful. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to recognize, evaluate and regulate your own emotions, emotions of those around you and in groups of people.
People, places and things we encounter in life are just that - people, places and things. In other words, they are neutral. We are the ones that place emotions and opinions on them. So if we create "the story", we can decide how the story unfolds. If we don't like how we feel, then we have the power to Change the Narrative. And that is what my coaching practice is all about.
What I’ve discovered as a coach is that we can be so immersed in our own personal story line that is it hard to see the bigger picture. And when you have been hurt, rightfully so. You have every right to feel every emotion that you have. It's what you do with those feelings that either keep you stuck or move you towards healing. This is why I am so passionate about coaching, because I teach mindset developmental skills. You will learn the brain science behind the power of your mind by targeting unhealthy thought patterns.
We each have a journey in our life to fulfill and it is as unique as our fingerprints. Now life isn’t without challenges but if you are equipped with the right coping skills, you can create anything you want in your life. You can move past insecurities, unhealthy relationships and even disappointments to live the beautiful, bright life you deserve!
Be Brave, Be You - Learn the Power of EQ!
For more information: https://linktr.ee/bebravebeyou
Check out these blogs: Self-Confidence, Expectations, Perception