I once heard a preacher say "worry is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but it gets you no where."
Yes, logically that makes total sense. But what about our emotions? How do we move past how we feel when what we feel seems SO DANG REAL?
We honor our feelings. Because no matter how ugly the feelings you need to face, your emotions aren't going anywhere. Yes, you can numb them with addictions. Lord knows I've tried that route. Yes, the pain does go away - temporarily. But the next day, the confusion is only compounded.
So how do you make the leap from problem to prayer? Begin with some POSITIVE SELF-TALK.
There's a mantra I use when I know it's time to put on my big girl panties. "It stinks today so it will be better tomorrow." Pretty elementary I know, but it works!! By honoring our feelings, they will loosen their grip. When their grip isn't so tight, you can begin to feel hope. Hopeful you can indeed move past these current feelings.
With hope, you turn that problem into a prayer by speaking out your feelings and asking for help - PRAY. To be shown what you need to see. To be told what you need to hear. To be given the knowledge you need to overcome. Thank your Higher-Self for the guidance and let it go. You will be given intuitive guidance one step at a time. (Check out my blog on how to tap into your intuition for guidance.)
I used to make the mistake of trying to push my feelings down but they always resurfaced AND with a vengeance! I learned that by using a mantra and asking for help, I can turn a problem into a prayer. It shifts your focus from lack to faith, and with that shift, solutions will come your way!
Just understand this. Our ego wants to see the entire mapped out plan of how we are going to get from point a (the problem) to point b (the solution). This is not how our intuition works. It gives us step by step instructions. Once you have faithfully followed the first step, the next step will be given to us.
We learn two things - how to live in the present moment and how to develop our faith muscle.
By living in the present moment, we are no longer living in the illusion of time. Where we look to the past in regret of what could have been, or sit in anxiety of what the future may bring. The present moment is where our power lies. In the present moment, we consciously decide how we wish to show up. We know the past has passed and even if we don't like how something turned out, we can always learn from it. We also know that our present day decisions are laying the groundwork for our future life experiences.
When we develop our faith muscle, we build self-confidence in our ability to co-create with the universe. Self-esteem issues always stem from the helpless feeling that you are going at life alone. This couldn't be further from the truth, but in order for you to believe it, you have to try it on for size! The next time you have a problem, turn it into prayer. Ask for the help you need. Then follow the guidance you are given. Nine times out of ten, it will be handled in a much better way than you could have devised.
Keep a journal of your victories and then pull it out the next time you find yourself challenged. Re-mind yourself you are not doing life alone. Say your affirming mantra. Honor all of your feelings. Ask for help with your problem. Follow through on your guidance. TURN THAT PROBLEM INTO PRAYER!
Follow me on Instagram, schedule a free consultation or check out these blogs to learn more about EQ and how it can change your life - like it did mine. Happy coaching Brave Ones!
Be Brave, Be You - Learn the Power of EQ!
Emotional Intelligence Coaching: https://linktr.ee/bebravebeyou
Similar Blog Topics: Destination or Distraction?, Letting Go, Expectations & Emotions
Yes, logically that makes total sense. But what about our emotions? How do we move past how we feel when what we feel seems SO DANG REAL?
We honor our feelings. Because no matter how ugly the feelings you need to face, your emotions aren't going anywhere. Yes, you can numb them with addictions. Lord knows I've tried that route. Yes, the pain does go away - temporarily. But the next day, the confusion is only compounded.
So how do you make the leap from problem to prayer? Begin with some POSITIVE SELF-TALK.
There's a mantra I use when I know it's time to put on my big girl panties. "It stinks today so it will be better tomorrow." Pretty elementary I know, but it works!! By honoring our feelings, they will loosen their grip. When their grip isn't so tight, you can begin to feel hope. Hopeful you can indeed move past these current feelings.
With hope, you turn that problem into a prayer by speaking out your feelings and asking for help - PRAY. To be shown what you need to see. To be told what you need to hear. To be given the knowledge you need to overcome. Thank your Higher-Self for the guidance and let it go. You will be given intuitive guidance one step at a time. (Check out my blog on how to tap into your intuition for guidance.)
I used to make the mistake of trying to push my feelings down but they always resurfaced AND with a vengeance! I learned that by using a mantra and asking for help, I can turn a problem into a prayer. It shifts your focus from lack to faith, and with that shift, solutions will come your way!
Just understand this. Our ego wants to see the entire mapped out plan of how we are going to get from point a (the problem) to point b (the solution). This is not how our intuition works. It gives us step by step instructions. Once you have faithfully followed the first step, the next step will be given to us.
We learn two things - how to live in the present moment and how to develop our faith muscle.
By living in the present moment, we are no longer living in the illusion of time. Where we look to the past in regret of what could have been, or sit in anxiety of what the future may bring. The present moment is where our power lies. In the present moment, we consciously decide how we wish to show up. We know the past has passed and even if we don't like how something turned out, we can always learn from it. We also know that our present day decisions are laying the groundwork for our future life experiences.
When we develop our faith muscle, we build self-confidence in our ability to co-create with the universe. Self-esteem issues always stem from the helpless feeling that you are going at life alone. This couldn't be further from the truth, but in order for you to believe it, you have to try it on for size! The next time you have a problem, turn it into prayer. Ask for the help you need. Then follow the guidance you are given. Nine times out of ten, it will be handled in a much better way than you could have devised.
Keep a journal of your victories and then pull it out the next time you find yourself challenged. Re-mind yourself you are not doing life alone. Say your affirming mantra. Honor all of your feelings. Ask for help with your problem. Follow through on your guidance. TURN THAT PROBLEM INTO PRAYER!
Follow me on Instagram, schedule a free consultation or check out these blogs to learn more about EQ and how it can change your life - like it did mine. Happy coaching Brave Ones!
Be Brave, Be You - Learn the Power of EQ!
Emotional Intelligence Coaching: https://linktr.ee/bebravebeyou
Similar Blog Topics: Destination or Distraction?, Letting Go, Expectations & Emotions